Reality Editor
Click here to see a demonstration of my work throughout three semesters
Research LEad: VAlentin Heun
ROLE: UI/UX Designer, web Developer
Lab: MIT MEdia Lab Fluid Interfaces group
Designing Interfaces for Augmented Reality:
For three semesters, I was an undergraduate researcher for the Fluid Interfaces group in the MIT Media Lab. During this time, I designed and coded interactive webpages for an augmented reality paradigm application called Reality Editor. The Reality Editor interacts with smarter objects, which are physical electronic objects whose behaviors are programmable. I studied stylistic tools in augmented reality to apply to user interfaces, specifically how to integrate augmented reality into an Audi Car, which I designed and coded myself.
The design process began in an unconventional way, beginning with an exploration of shape and form through relief printing, then moving into illustrator mockups and finally coded in javaScript.
Above is an augmented interface I designed and programmed for an Audi Car. The interface is attached to a marker in the car, so when the user opens the reality editor app and points their phone at the target image, the interface will appear above the marker image. each element of the interface is attached to a car function, such as rolling down a window or adjusting a seat.
Above is the design progression, from studying shape and form composition through relief printing, to creating illustrator mockups, to the final integrated product.
The design process stemmed from the idea that in order to make a novel interface, one had to draw inspiration from unconventional mediums. The process began with an extensive study in shape through relief printing. These prints then inspired the digital design and implementation.
More information on the project and the technology in can be seen at:
Through my work with Open Hybrid, I was published in the CHI conference, which can be seen bellow.
CHI EA '16 Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Pages 4-4, ACM New York, NY, USA ©2016.
Awards Associated with Reality Editor:
Fast Company’s Boldest Ideas in User Interface Design 2015
Postscapes 2016 Editors Choice Award for IoT Software & Tools.